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Powering 100G

Powering 100G Long Reach - 10KM & Beyond!

Pushing the limits - 100G Beyond 10KM

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Pushing The Limits - 100G Beyond 10KM

100G longer reach products allow service providers to utilize their existing fiber networks to increase their data throughput speeds. Innovations that address the size and power concerns are emerging with PAM4 technologies. Such solutions are starting to emerge and offer an alternative to existing technologies.

Click at the bottom of the page to download our 100G Beyond 10KM study. An overview of Coherent and PAM4 technologies.

The Problem

As the demand for more data increases, solutions must be found to support these demands and often space, cost and time will play an important part. Some of the more current and pressing issues involve extending distance reach, such as connecting data centers or delivering broadband to rural communities.

As 100G moves outside the network core, service providers, data center operators, and all networks need strategies to extend the reach of 100G connections. 100G LR4 transceiver connections are capped at 10KM. 100G connections beyond 10KM require solutions tailored to individual network needs.

How Can 100G Long Reach Solutions Support Current Demands?

That’s where 100G comes in, by increasing bandwidth, minimizing aggregation and significantly improving overall efficiency. The bandwidth explosion is forcing companies to continue to grow in scale and 100G offers the bandwidth speeds and efficiency necessary to support this growing demand, but until recently, 100G solutions have been shorter reach, meaning that long distance communication as used at slower bitrates (e.g. 1G, 10G, 40G) has been difficult to provide at 100G.

Innovations that address the size and power concerns are emerging with PAM4 and coherent technologies. While providing longer distances in an efficient QSFP28 package, line side equipment is necessary to address dispersion and amplification. Such solutions are starting to emerge and offer an alternative to existing technologies.

The ProLabs Promise

100G longer reach products allow service providers to utilize their existing fiber networks to increase their data throughput speeds. Innovations that address the size and power concerns are emerging with PAM4 technologies. Such solutions are starting to emerge and offer an alternative to existing technologies.

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